Invoice Payments
You can carry out all your payments to the Firms and Institutions with which Ziraat Katılım has agreements. Your bill payments can be carried out automatically and through Online Banking. Additionally, wage payments to your employees can be carried out at Ziraat Katılım with all the privileges of our bank.

Institution Payments
You can carry out all your payments to the Firms and Institutions with which Ziraat Katılım has agreements. Your bill payments can be carried out automatically and through Online Banking. Additionally, wage payments to your employees can be carried out at Ziraat Katılım with all the privileges of our bank.

Donation Payments
You can carry out all your payments to the Firms and Institutions with which Ziraat Katılım has agreements. Your bill payments can be carried out automatically and through Online Banking. Additionally, wage payments to your employees can be carried out at Ziraat Katılım with all the privileges of our bank.